The turmoil in Egypt is particularly painful to me. I was there a long time ago when Egypt was under Mubarak and it was a warm and friendly place to visit. The staff at the hotel couldn't be more helpful as well as the local guides who took pleasure and pride in showing me their legendary Egypt. I loved all the famous sights, of course, but there was something special about the people. They all had the attitude that tourists were guests in their house and that it was their job to make us feel at home and comfortable. "My house is your house," they would tell me with their smiling faces. "And we're very happy you decided to visit our beautiful country." Now that same country is being torn apart by civil war (and don't fool yourself because it is civil war) and their main livelihood which was always tourism is rapidly being eroded. I was afraid this would happen with the fall of Mubarak and the election of the subsequent government, but I never imagined that the beautiful Egypt I once knew would descend this quickly into chaos. If the people under Mubarak felt oppressed and unhappy, they sure gave a good imitation of contentment back then. The mysterious, beautiful city of Cairo seemed to be thriving under Mubarak. I felt safe and happy exploring the sights and touring it at night with my affable guide. I don't want to rewrite history here but we all know what happened, they got rid of Mubarak and this horrible bloodshed, confusion, disorientation and rage is the result.
God bless all the victims who died in this quagmaire and God bless Egypt, which will always have a fond place in my heart.