The horrendous, senseless murder of our U.S. Embassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and three other innocent victims, by an incensed mob, really brings home to us the dangerous world we live in. That this tragic man, who really loved Libya and tried to so hard to help the country get ahead, should be so brutally murdered, is the ultimate irony. My question is, why didn't the host country protect him better? Why did they allow the vicious murderers to scale the wall and set fire to the embassy? The details of his death are still sketchy, some sources have him dying of smoke inhalation in the embassy while others have him being assaulted and suffocated in his car while trying to help evacuate others, but regardless of how he died, one thing is certain, and that is that this courageous man died in terror, trapped by evil forces he could not comprehend nor control just like the victims of September 11 in our country. His barbaric, untimely death shows us very clearly that the country we liberated and sacrificed so much for has a long way to go. If people can rise up and murder others so freely, then nobody is safe in Libya or anywhere in the Middle East for that matter. Egypt is another example of extremism and brutality, with the radicals gaining more and more ground daily as could be seen by the attacks on our Embassy there. The Libyan Government has vowed to bring the murderers to justice in Libya, but that's a laugh. Do they even know who they are? Or were they too scared to interfere and take notice to begin with? Perhaps this is the time to revaluate our relationship with Libya and Egypt. Perhaps this is the time to get out of these countries and stop our help to them all together. Perhaps this is the time to come to terms with the fact that we have to put our beleaguered country first - we are not going to change the course of history - the events in Syria ought to demonstrate that to us. And our first and most sacred obligation should be to our citizens and our country. People should not be allowed to kill our embassadors and burn our embassies with impunity, and since we can not go to war with Libya and Egypt, we should get out and leave them to their fates. Let this horrific renaissance of terror in the Middle East burn itself out. Let's get out of Afghanistan at once too and stop wasting American lives and dollars, we're only sitting ducks there for the terrorists who are spreading daily like a cancer.
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