Enough of monsters who kill innocent people. Enough of trying to explain the unexplicable. Enough of mothers who refuse to see reality and shelter these people. Nancy Lanza only saw the intelligent side of this monster and battled the world for him. He repaid her with bullets in the face while she slept. This evil man was very, very sick from the beginning and should have been institutionalized or on medicine permanently, but Nancy saw the world as being wrong, not her so called "brilliant son." She tried to bond with him by introducing him to arms and she paid the ultimate price but so did twenty innocent children and the courageous adults who tried to save them. This man couldn't feel physical or emotional pain, he was already dead inside and the deadly rampage was a matter of time. It's time to take action now. Obama's reaction to the tragedy might be his finest hour, now it's time to act on it Mr. President. Gun control is not going to work on this country, but you could demand that each school, each public place hire security personnel because nobody is safe in this society anymore. It's time to face facts. Shootings are happening in movie houses, in malls, and now in our most sacred place, schools. Monsters like Lanza are aware of the vulnerability (he at least had the decency to kill himself - the monster in Norway didn't) but if there were armed guards at the doors, these monsters would never commit these atrocities, or at least they would be killed faster and that would minimize the damage. We have to face reality here. We need armed guards everywhere, supermarkets, drugstores, subways, any place where monsters like Lanza might take a notion to do the most damage. I don't want to hear that there's no money for these measures, if we have enough money to send to Pakistan and Egypt (countries who are no friends of ours), we should have enough money to protect our citizens here. It's time to change our priorities and choose country and our beautiful children first. It's time to get mad, it's time to shout outloud ENOUGH, ENOUGH, we're not going to take it anymore. Mr. President, don't let this outrage fade, let's not go back to the past where we screamed and hollered for a week and then went back to normal, not this time, let's change the law once and for all.
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