The horrible influx of illegal immigrants seeking refuge and shelter in our country shows no signs of abating. While we are a nation of humanitarians and we help the whole world, enough is enough and we can no longer afford this abuse, this incredible invasion to keep occurring, because that's exactly what it is, an invasion. The country is broke, our national debt is staggering. There are children here who need help and are not getting any resources. Does Detroit and what's happening there ring a bell? These people have to be sent back and the borders have to be protected, all the borders, that is, not just the Texas borders. They can't just keep coming here because of the trouble they have in other countries, because pretty soon we're going to have the whole Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and entire Central America at our shores claiming political persecution. And with that kind of mentality why not do away with passports, visas and paper work? Let anyone fly, walk, swim and show up here with nothing, just the clothes on their backs, that would be the right thing and humane thing to do according to your views Mr. President. And what's going to happen to us if they keep on coming? I view a country like a home, and what would happen if your home was inundated with refuges all the time? If people were just to knock on your door with their tale of woe? Pretty soon you would not have a home, would you? Well, that's what's happening in America today and for that I hold you responsible, and you can not dance around it by blaming Bush, Bush didn't create "The Dream Act," he didn't encourage everyone and their brother to come here, so this is entirely on your shoulders, Mr. President, so when are you going to take responsibility for it? As a matter of fact when are you going to take responsibility for anything? You won't even go to the border in Texas to see the nightmare you created. You don't believe in photo ops you tell us. Really? Well, being on a permanent campaign mode and ignoring the scandals around you does not make a president... Now you refuse to change the law to stem the flood of illegals, so pretty soon we'll have 100,000, 200,000 and billions more in this country. Tell me, how are we going to support them?
Saturday, July 12, 2014
The horrible influx of illegal immigrants seeking refuge and shelter in our country shows no signs of abating. While we are a nation of humanitarians and we help the whole world, enough is enough and we can no longer afford this abuse, this incredible invasion to keep occurring, because that's exactly what it is, an invasion. The country is broke, our national debt is staggering. There are children here who need help and are not getting any resources. Does Detroit and what's happening there ring a bell? These people have to be sent back and the borders have to be protected, all the borders, that is, not just the Texas borders. They can't just keep coming here because of the trouble they have in other countries, because pretty soon we're going to have the whole Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and entire Central America at our shores claiming political persecution. And with that kind of mentality why not do away with passports, visas and paper work? Let anyone fly, walk, swim and show up here with nothing, just the clothes on their backs, that would be the right thing and humane thing to do according to your views Mr. President. And what's going to happen to us if they keep on coming? I view a country like a home, and what would happen if your home was inundated with refuges all the time? If people were just to knock on your door with their tale of woe? Pretty soon you would not have a home, would you? Well, that's what's happening in America today and for that I hold you responsible, and you can not dance around it by blaming Bush, Bush didn't create "The Dream Act," he didn't encourage everyone and their brother to come here, so this is entirely on your shoulders, Mr. President, so when are you going to take responsibility for it? As a matter of fact when are you going to take responsibility for anything? You won't even go to the border in Texas to see the nightmare you created. You don't believe in photo ops you tell us. Really? Well, being on a permanent campaign mode and ignoring the scandals around you does not make a president... Now you refuse to change the law to stem the flood of illegals, so pretty soon we'll have 100,000, 200,000 and billions more in this country. Tell me, how are we going to support them?
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